Brew Controller Update 1 - API
Posted on March 25, 2024 • 2 min read • 280 wordsFirst update on the Brewery controller.
So its finally time for a small update on the Brew Controller build.
I started out building an API to allow both the administration portal and controller(s) to access data as and when they need to. To begin with, the API will mostly be used by the Admin portal but the controller will need to use it at some point.
The API has endpoints built to allow CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the following datasets:
The development of the API is going hand in hand with the development of the Administration Portal. Since the API is not intended for generic use outside of this system, there is no point in me building the API in such a manager but rather tailor it to the needs of the portal and controller.
So far I have created the base project for this work, implemented FluentUI using the Fluent UI Blazor Components library. The basic left hand navigation is in and empty place holder pages for the dashboard, Recipes and Fermentation profile pages are in. I am in the process of plumbing in the services to connect to the API to be able to work with data.
Will continue to plug in the API and get the recipe and Fermentation Profiles fully functional in the admin portal. Once that is complete I will start working on the Batch side of the portal. After that, I may switch sides to the controller components to complete off the Recipe and Batch loop before expanding on the API and admin portal.